Thursday 3 May 2007

Jon N's Birthday

Am tired today so not many words but hopefully the pictures will distract you.
What did we do for Jon’s birthday? we sat in the sun and drunk beer and Pimms. But I had too much Pimms and lemonade and then had a funny tummy that night and couldn’t sleep. And than Dad rang me but I was too sick to talk. And then I had a a vomit and my stomach is still not well, but getting better thanks for asking.
Lots of Boys in the sun. (And georgia)
Georgia, Em and Jaime

Me and Jamie being silly.

Also interviewed Emma Bunton yesterday, she was so sweet and am interviewing Mel C on Friday, it's a spice girl week, watch out Posh I am coming for you!

Jamie's trip to Japan

So Jamie went to Japan and here are the highlights of his photos.
A Japanese toilet with many different controls.

This is not a sex toy it is a snack food!

And finally when you get drunk on your way home you do not have a kebab or a Big Mac you have this. Jamie said it was sweet and a bit yucky.

Our first bbq

Below are a few pictures of our first bbq on our deck, In April, In Easter. We are truly blessed with the weather. Or dammed with Global warming depending on which way you look at it.
The boys playing football, they were very excited to play and very excited to tell us exactly what happened in the game. We were not so excited to hear about it.
The girls relaxing on the deck.