Ah no blog update in so long because I have been very busy with work. I know shocking but true I have been working my little bum off and have developed a touch or rsi in my right hand for studiously clicking on my mouse. But I have ordered a special mouse that looks like a spaceship but will not give my pre-mature arthritis which is good news in case I ever wanted to take up knitting.
In other news my sister sent my some pictures of my new nephew who is officially the world’s cutest baby. he looks a lot like me actually but obviously when I was a baby not now. My favourite pictures are where he looks a little bit pissed off I like a bit of attitude in a baby. I wish I was there to cuddle him, it makes me a bit sad so I have made him my screen saver which makes me miss him more, so not sure why I have done it. Might change it back to my wedding photo, it does my ego good to see me looking pretty.
We had Jamie’s birthday weekender last weekend where we went to a house in Suffolk with 12 of our mates and drank and ate ourselves into oblivion and I had two late nights in a row and now I am wasted and it’s Thursday. Really I am getting old and apparently quite cranky. I was so tired this week I have started drinking tea again and almost broke the habit of a lifetime and started drinking coffee and this morning on the phone I misspelt my name, twice.
The Apprentice is now over, Sir Alan sugar has made his choice and my Wednesday nights have been changed forever. There is nothing good on TV at the moment I am so angry about it I am considering cancelling cable, but that may be the anger talking so I’ll sleep on it. I’ll let you know what I’ll decide.
Right I am off out so am going to liberally apply some bronzer to my face to trick the general public into thinking I have just come home from a Mediterranean getaway.
I know no vegas update yet but I will give you one nugget of info, in vegas my hair was just stepped out of a salon fantastic, I think it was the total lack of humidity I gave myself a quick blow dry and it was amazing for two whole days. Reason enough to move there and live there forever I think. Jamie is not convinced. Alas now it is back to it’s usual ‘been dragged through bush backwards’ style.