Tuesday 5 February 2008

This Morning

Just got back to my desk after working out with my PT. I worked so hard I do not have enough strength to apply mascara. I did one eye but then gave up on the second. My arm was shaking too much. I also couldn’t hold my juice too my enough to drink it. So now I am weak and dehydrated and one eye looks bigger than the other.

And he made me do push ups. I could not even do one. Not one. And then I tried with my knees down and I still could not do one. I am a weakling. I did learn how to power lift today. Although there were no weights on the bar. But my technique was excellent. And I also did it while looking in the mirror and I realised that I do the weight lifting man face. I kind of screw up my face tighten my lips and do a short puff of breath.
See pic below.

I don't have a belt but I do have gloves. maybe I should get a belt or it that overkill? And will it help me do push ups?