Thursday 26 July 2007

Good News and bad news

Good News
We know own our flat, offically! yipee! no backing out now we are homeowners with mountains of debt and our own little place called Home.

Bad News
I have a gigantic zit on my forehead that makes me look like a klingon. I am not joking my forehead is really swollen. It is so bad Jamie wanted me to go to the doctor. I said no.

I have already been to doctor for a pain under my arm, I thought I had breast cancer, my bra was just too small she said.

And then i went because I had pains on my ovaries which I googled and self-diganoised as a cyst. It wasn’t. after a scan the doctor told me it was period pain.

So I am definitely not going to the doctor about a zit, dodn’t think she will be too impressed she may even bit a little bit annoyed and might black ball me from the NHS.

Below is a picture of me with my zit, although obviuosly I am a female and would never wear an all in one jumpsuit.
