Sunday 26 June 2011


i forgot I m deleting some blogs from my homies because no one seems to be updating there blogs much apart from Amber so no update in over a year and your out.

Also game of Thrones has finished, if you watch this please bear the following in mind
1) there are ten episodes in series one so don't prepare yourself for 12, like i did and then shout at your husband that 'you are owed two more episodes'
2) it is based on books of which there are 7, so far,  so it's a long road to any kind of resolution
3) be prepared to be very angry at a lot of characters for a very long time
4) shit loads of people die that you don't think should die but die anyway because the guy the wrote the books like to annoy me
5) series 2 won't be on our screened for another year, this will really piss you off
6) also it will give you crazy dreams

over and out xxx

diet, sun and boobs

I haven't written in my blog for ages and i did have something to write but now I have completely forgotten what it was, it has totally left my brain. So you will have to make do with boring updates on how my diet is going and our old favourite topic the shitty london summers.

Well i have been on the post baby diet for 3 weeks now and have lost 4 kilos! and then gained back 1 kilo, how the hell this happened I don't know. But then again my scales are a bit dodgy and when i read the numbers my head is quite far away form the dial and I don't wear my glasses so i might have only lost 3 kilos in the first place, who knows. My clothes feel a bit looser but I still have the back fat situation happening.

How has the weather been in london? take a guess, shit. It's always shit. But the good news is there is a heatwave coming! but in typical british style it will last for two days which is barely long enough to lie out in the sun and burn my skin before the sun buggers back off to spain.

That's what i was going to tell you, I have stopped breastfeeding. I did my last feed on Thursday, to be honest i don't think there was much milk left in there anymore. It was a long hard road to breastfeed my little monkey, but I got there in the end and i am really proud of myself that I lasted over a year.  And proud of him that he was so patient with his mother. Also a shout out to my sister , my doula Mars and Jamie who supported me in the difficult early weeks and who without I wouldn't have lasted a week let alone a year. Anyway now he is on cow's milk, which he loves. I was a bit sad to stop  because it feels like he has stopped being my baby but also excited because my doula said the fat you need for breastfeeding is stored on your lower back, that's right stopping breastfeeding may get rid of my back fat. Well i live in hope.


Sunday 12 June 2011

sometimes you forget

I live a pretty middle class life in london, nice flat, lovely baby and i interact every day with mummies and nannies and children so sometimes i forget I live in London, which is can be one giant big stinking mess of a city .

last Wednesday the crapness in London really smacked me in the face. In the supermarket, the fruit and veggie section, there was an almightily fight because one man who thought a lady had pushed past him and not said excuse me, his reaction? to spit in her face. Her reaction? to scream at him until the police were called. My reaction? get me and my baby out of there asap before they stated throwing the lettuces.

Then on my way to the post office a crack head, I don't use this term negatively, they were a stinking, rotten toothed, dodgy old crackhead, asked me if i could help her, meaning could i give her some money or at least stand still long enough for her boyfriend to mug me. I kept on walking, very quickly.

mackay has been getting up at 5:30 every morning because he has sore teeth so on thursday morning I was woken up at 5:30as usaul but not by Mackay but by a drug dealer on his phone outside my window. it was so loud I thought he was on my front door step. Basically he was telling the guy on the phone he couldn't 'vouch' for him because 7 houses were raided last week and no one new is allowed inside 'the circle' the conversation had so many specific details I thought about calling the police. But i didn't know quite what to say. Something like ' there is a man (jamie thought it was a woman so already I wasn't being very specific with the details) outside my window having a conversation about drugs' I'm sure they would have gone on full alert and sent out the whole of scotland yard. Anyway the conversation stopped abruptly (Jamie thinks they moved onto a different location to stop from being traced) and I went back to sleep.

i guess the point of this post is london is dodgy and i have forgotten how dodgy but now i am on my guard.

After all the criminal activity I seem to be attracting Jamie has put me under house arrest and banned me from visiting certain areas of our neighbourhood, draining.


Wednesday 1 June 2011

Watch it!

I have a new favourite TV show called Game of Thrones, it's awesome and i can't watch it before i go to bed otherwise I can't sleep because it winds me up. it's a fantasy but way better than lord of the rings because it has incest, beheading and all other types of funky shit.

Also it's very complicated with characters and plot so i have to really, really concentrate to watch it and i still don't understand it. i think i will have to take notes when i watch it and make some type of family tree diagrams so I can remember who is who.

watch it!

Also i get confused and keep on calling it game of thorns and Jamie has to correct me every time, also i said to him 'I am surprised i like it because i don't really like sciene-fiction' and he said 'it's not science-fiction it's fantasy.' I don't really know the difference, it's all made-up geeky stuff to me. He explained to me that science-ficiton involves aliens and science and stuff, whatever i still don't get it.

covered in vomit

Jamie and Mackay got sick on the weekend, like vomit, dodgy pooes, sick, gross. I didn't get sick because I have super immunity, this means i don't get sick when other mortals do (my sister thinks she has it too, it might be a genetic thing, Jamie thinks I'm full of it) My stomach did get a bit queasy but no vomit. Awesome.

Anyway on sunday jamie did a massive vomit which I had to clean up, because instead of getting it into the bowl I had put in the bedroom he managed to get it in the bath, in the toilet, half in the bowl and on the floor. That was at 3:00.

Then at 8:30 at night Mackay woke up and vomited all over his bed and himself. He was really scared and so was i, but i didn't show it. You know you are a mum when you child is vomiting and instead of being disgusted you are hugging them trying to calm them down, while they vomit in your hair. So I had to clean up his vomit and did i mention i was feeling queasy? well cleaning up vomit did not help the situation.

Because i could smell vomit every way I turned I had plain boiled rice for dinner. Which was actually quite nice and then I thought if I have this for dinner for a week will i loose my baby weight? see we are talking about my weight again! boring.

And i slept on the floor of his bedroom because he had a vomit bug a while ago and i was talking to my sister and she said to me 'I always sleep in Louis' room when he has a vomiting bug because i am afraid he will choke on his vomit in his sleep' This had never occurred to me! until she said it, so now I am afraid Mackay will choke on his vomit in his sleep so I slept next to his cot. And man Mackay is a noisy sleeper, heavy breathing, moving around, sniffling that guy gets up to all kinds of high jinks in his cot. His floor is also on a slight angle downwards so my head was lower than my feet and I think I have compressed my spinal cord. The things you do for your kids, honestly.
