Sunday 26 June 2011


i forgot I m deleting some blogs from my homies because no one seems to be updating there blogs much apart from Amber so no update in over a year and your out.

Also game of Thrones has finished, if you watch this please bear the following in mind
1) there are ten episodes in series one so don't prepare yourself for 12, like i did and then shout at your husband that 'you are owed two more episodes'
2) it is based on books of which there are 7, so far,  so it's a long road to any kind of resolution
3) be prepared to be very angry at a lot of characters for a very long time
4) shit loads of people die that you don't think should die but die anyway because the guy the wrote the books like to annoy me
5) series 2 won't be on our screened for another year, this will really piss you off
6) also it will give you crazy dreams

over and out xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey, great to read all about your latest activities. Commenting from Nikki's computer 'cos mine doesn't seem to allow it - amongst other things (like taking 20 mins to connect to email!) Just had a friend come back from a holiday in UK and she said it'scolder there than it is here and it's the middle of winter here. Love to all,Mumxxxxxxx