Saturday 11 July 2009

Impartial jury of my peers

Sent Jamie the following email today while I was temping.

took the last bounty sorry, but i feel a bit sick so I might not eat it.

am at work if you need to email me you can do so on this address.

Also kitchen and bathroom is very tidy because i am am good girl. also i cleaned all the mouse traps because i thought they needed fresh peanut butter also half he peanut butter was gone, so now we are not trapping the mice but feeding them and encouraging them to breed. maybe we need to seek michael opie's advice.

also am not working this weekend. so relaxation before i start proper work on tuesday/wednesday next week. xxxx

And he wrote back:

You definitely have a knack for writing amusing emails. NO worries on the Bounty - eat it if you feel like it. I have had loads.I'm pleased that you're not working this weekend. Relaxation it is!

This is my question to you, why it that email amusing? I know sometimes I can be funny, but I was not being funny in that email. So it's up to you my loyal readers. Is that email funny? Sometimes I don't understand my husband at all.

Then I sent him this email,

i don't even see why that email is funny. never mind. What are you having for dinner? also my headset is beeping not sure if it is running out of battery.

i might clean out my make up drawer this weekend.

have to order dinner soon for the meeting soon and they are a demanding bunch. I had to go to the Indian last night and the guy wouldn't give us a receipt. cheeky.

just went to the toilet with my headset on but don't worry i washed my hands. also saw an interesting toilet seat in the disabled toilet. it was very high. like a toilet set extension. not sure if it was for very short people or very tall people. I will take a picture for you.


Now that email is funny.

Also i am having physio on my shoulder and my physio is mean and doesn't laugh at any of my hilarious jokes.

love dreaxx

PS for those of you intrigued by the toilet seat extender I will post a picture when I get home or maybe tomorrow I might get home late.

Thursday 2 July 2009

What a surprise

Never in all my life did I think I would say this in a blog post. But London is too hot. It has been over 30 degrees for 5 days in a row and when you wake up it is 21 degrees. When you wake up!

I am currently sitting in front of a fan trying not too sweat. Which is impossible, any part of me touching anything else is sweating. Yesterday I went to the supermarket and stood in front of the frozen peas for 20 minutes to cool down. It didn't work I was still sweating.


ps who would have thought that the one thing I miss most about working is air conditioning.