Sunday 11 July 2010

yet another picture

This blog is not going to turn into a photo album of Mackay I promise but i took this photo the other day when he was milk drunk after a feed and his belly was so big his t-shirt couldn't contain it.

It is very hot in London at the moment and last time it was this hot he slept 7 hours in a row! haven't had one of those nights in a while. He gets really bad gas in the night and it wakes him up with a belly ache poor thing. I have tried lots of burping medicines but nothing seems to work, I think it must be a grow out of it thing.

And the book says that by the end of the month he should only be waking once in the middle of the night. Now if Mackay has read the book then we should all be okay.

Also we are moving flat because where we live at the moment is so nasty in many ways and in 2 months we will move into a lovely flat with a garden! I literally can't wait.


Monday 5 July 2010

Mac at 2 months

Baby Mac at 2 months, he looks naked but he was wering a nappy, you can't tkae the risk of being nappyless on anything that will stain.
I know the photos are crap, we are buying a new SLR camera because are photo taking skills are so crap we need a better camera.
Also he is still sleeping well only waking once or twice in teh night for a feed. I have decided that I have read too many parenting books and have freaked myself out about many things so i have stopped reading and am just going with my gut, whih has always served me well in the past.
We are a happy little family, happier on the weekends when Jamie is home to help with looking after Mac, not because he is a hard baby to look after, he is a super easy baby but because although Mac is lovely company his conversation skills are really up to much yet and I think I am not far from going crazy talking to myself all day and watching dumb tv.
Althoguh tomorrow we are off to the shops to get rubbish bags and water filters. Seriuosly this is the highlight of my day.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Sleeping demon

For the past three nights Mackay has woken up only once in the night and slept for two 7 hour stretchs. I don't know why or how and everyone that has had a baby knows that this will not last. So fingers crossed it last the week I say.
He also has two or maybe three one and a half hour naps in the day. Angel baby.
Lets just pray the growth spurt holds off for a couple of weeks so I can get some sleep.
