Wednesday 1 June 2011

Watch it!

I have a new favourite TV show called Game of Thrones, it's awesome and i can't watch it before i go to bed otherwise I can't sleep because it winds me up. it's a fantasy but way better than lord of the rings because it has incest, beheading and all other types of funky shit.

Also it's very complicated with characters and plot so i have to really, really concentrate to watch it and i still don't understand it. i think i will have to take notes when i watch it and make some type of family tree diagrams so I can remember who is who.

watch it!

Also i get confused and keep on calling it game of thorns and Jamie has to correct me every time, also i said to him 'I am surprised i like it because i don't really like sciene-fiction' and he said 'it's not science-fiction it's fantasy.' I don't really know the difference, it's all made-up geeky stuff to me. He explained to me that science-ficiton involves aliens and science and stuff, whatever i still don't get it.

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