Sunday 12 June 2011

sometimes you forget

I live a pretty middle class life in london, nice flat, lovely baby and i interact every day with mummies and nannies and children so sometimes i forget I live in London, which is can be one giant big stinking mess of a city .

last Wednesday the crapness in London really smacked me in the face. In the supermarket, the fruit and veggie section, there was an almightily fight because one man who thought a lady had pushed past him and not said excuse me, his reaction? to spit in her face. Her reaction? to scream at him until the police were called. My reaction? get me and my baby out of there asap before they stated throwing the lettuces.

Then on my way to the post office a crack head, I don't use this term negatively, they were a stinking, rotten toothed, dodgy old crackhead, asked me if i could help her, meaning could i give her some money or at least stand still long enough for her boyfriend to mug me. I kept on walking, very quickly.

mackay has been getting up at 5:30 every morning because he has sore teeth so on thursday morning I was woken up at 5:30as usaul but not by Mackay but by a drug dealer on his phone outside my window. it was so loud I thought he was on my front door step. Basically he was telling the guy on the phone he couldn't 'vouch' for him because 7 houses were raided last week and no one new is allowed inside 'the circle' the conversation had so many specific details I thought about calling the police. But i didn't know quite what to say. Something like ' there is a man (jamie thought it was a woman so already I wasn't being very specific with the details) outside my window having a conversation about drugs' I'm sure they would have gone on full alert and sent out the whole of scotland yard. Anyway the conversation stopped abruptly (Jamie thinks they moved onto a different location to stop from being traced) and I went back to sleep.

i guess the point of this post is london is dodgy and i have forgotten how dodgy but now i am on my guard.

After all the criminal activity I seem to be attracting Jamie has put me under house arrest and banned me from visiting certain areas of our neighbourhood, draining.


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