Tuesday 13 February 2007

It's started again .....

So here is my first blog entry. Like my good friend Clare I am issuing a disclaimer, there may be swear words on here and it may be uncensored so read on at your own risk. So welcome, my idea was that if I update little and often and maybe with some photos then you would know more about me here in London. Although I might bore you to sleep with the mundane details of my life, like today I had no work to do so I spent the whole day making mischief on the internet. I was so bored I was starting fights with my work colleagues just to have something to do. It didn’t work, they knew I was trying to wind them up. So I just researched Anna-Nicole smith instead. What a loon she was.

Am off to NZ for a holiday in a few weeks so I am already winding down at work, and am bored did I already mention that? I am bored.

Anyway will also put some photos on here too. That will be fun, for you and some photos of my friend without their permission. Hit me with your lawsuits.

Also my stupid ipod has broken again, I think I might have to buy a new one which is draining. Ipod’s rule, but they are fucken unreliable, they make them like that on purpose so you have to keep buying new ones. Arseholes. And not good for the environment either, capitalists.

That’s all am off to bed, I am getting up early for a run at the gym.
Also its really cold and our boiler has broken again, excellent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KIA ORA Looking forward seeing you in NZ, Have booked dinner on the 8 th March. J.