Sunday 5 August 2007

Stress is rising...

You may wonder why the blog has been quiet for a few weeks. I have been overcome with house moving stuff and I wish I could say that Jamie and I have sailed through because we are super organised and we have worked together as team. But this would be a lie, it has been so stressful. I know that moving house is stressful for everyone, but it has been most stressful for me and Jamie. (it’s an official Guinness book of records fact) Jesus so much stuff to do, so many arguments to have. I have had two proper tantrums, one in Ikea and one because I didn’t understand an excel spreadsheet. Proper throw your toys out of the pram and slam the door tantrums. Jamie finds this hilarious which obviously doesn’t help the situation. Our stress culminated in an argument today because he ordered me a bacon sandwich with ketchup on it. I hate ketchup in bacon sandwiches, it spoils the flavour of the bacon, and we argued about it for about 20 minutes and in public and then in butchers shop. And then he walked outside to cool off and then we picked up the previously ordered bacon sandwhichs and there wasn’t any ketchup on it anyway. So a totally wasted argument in which nothing was resolved, my favourite kind.
But at least I got a bacon sandwich with no ketchup.

And so now in a week we are moving into our new flat, bathroom work begins on Monday and next Saturday when the man with a van comes and helps us move. Also can I just say to all those people living in New Zealand. You are lucky sods. Over here to park on our street we have to pay, if anyone like the plumber wants to park on our street we have to pay, about £9 a day. Do the conversion it will give you a heart attack. I tell you, you don’t get anything for free in this country except maybe a stress related ulcer. I remember fondly the day when I would drive to visit a friend and just casually park outside their house. Sometimes there would actually be more than one space outside there house in which to park, an urban legend in london. Ahh NZ I miss you.

Anyway more pictures of new bathroom to come and flat with our shiny new Ikea purchases in it.

Love to you all drea xxx

Ps can I also say that when estate agents say they room will look bigger without any furniture in it, this is a lie the room always looks smaller without furniture, this is also a Guinness book of records fact.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Oh baby, no!' You poor stressed darlings... Thinking of you. So sorry we are not there to help you move xo