Finally, finally pictures of our new flat are below with all our new furniture and all our crap in it. The bathroom still needs a paint job and we have a few DIY bits and pieces to do around the house but you get the idea.
The dining room with the beanbag from the poundstrectcher shop, which is the best shop ever. Our living room, which is actually just the other end of the dining room. The stairway to heaven. The green front door that I want to paint black, so people know not to mess with us. You will also if you look very, very carefully see the lock. The hallway with artwork from my friend Kate's gallery. The new toilet and sink, with toilet paper. The new taps, our first house guest Monica seemed impressed by these so thought I would take a picture. Not quite sure what this photo shows you apart from we have white tiles and we use loofahs but there you go. Jamie's chest of drawers. My chest of drawers. I can tell you are on the edge of your seat, these photos are just so riverting. Our king size bed which only just fits but is very comfortable. Although I think we need a new duvet set. That one is very drab. The kitchen from the other way. With the washing machine/dryer. But I would never use the dryer because of environmental reasons. The kitchen and fridge, which I suspect is not that good at keeping stuff cold. As you can see I am having photo problems so sorry you will have to turn your head yo the side to view.
Hi A,J amd M Great Place Are you taking bokings yet ???
Actually dudes I was totally interested in Jamies bedside table photo. I shall send you a pic of Hamish's bedside table, he uses it to store Everything, it defies gravity, it obscures the goddamn clock so i never know what time it is when my children drag me out of bed in the night. I have tried to move the clock (it's plugged in at the back) but it will disturb the whole force that keeps that mass balanced and I'm sure not tidying it up. Also one important thing missing from your house currently is a basket of toys to keep my children entertained when i visit so i can drink wine with you in peace. I'll be like a walking explosion with 2 kids and their essentials, before we even think about toys. Start collecting now and you;ll be fine by may / june / july - which is my approximate dates. Bet you guys can't wait!! My first comment and it's not really a comment. I shouldve emailed. Still I can say Hi to Johann from here! Hi Johann!
Hi A,J amd M
Great Place Are you taking bokings yet ???
Actually dudes I was totally interested in Jamies bedside table photo. I shall send you a pic of Hamish's bedside table, he uses it to store Everything, it defies gravity, it obscures the goddamn clock so i never know what time it is when my children drag me out of bed in the night. I have tried to move the clock (it's plugged in at the back) but it will disturb the whole force that keeps that mass balanced and I'm sure not tidying it up.
Also one important thing missing from your house currently is a basket of toys to keep my children entertained when i visit so i can drink wine with you in peace. I'll be like a walking explosion with 2 kids and their essentials, before we even think about toys. Start collecting now and you;ll be fine by may / june / july - which is my approximate dates. Bet you guys can't wait!! My first comment and it's not really a comment. I shouldve emailed. Still I can say Hi to Johann from here! Hi Johann!
Love KarenXX
Hi Karen Great to hear from you Take Care Johann
What an impressive amount of work you have done - I like your new furniture. Bathroom is much improved. I'll be back! Monica
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