Friday 21 September 2007

viva sardinia

So we are back from Sardinia and tanned yippee and relaxed, even work can’t break my holiday spell.
Sardinia is close to Africa as Jamie pointed out so it was hot but not too hot, not lose all the contents of your bowls in one motion (ala Athens 2006)

We arrived very late on Tuesday night, picked up our tiny hire car and had to navigate in the dark a bit like the amazing race. So those of you that don’t know the amazing race it is one of my all time favourite TV shows and the basic premise is 12 couple racing around the world solving riddles, bungee jumping and having fights while trying to navigate to various locations around the world. And there is $1 million dollar prize money and there is always one couple who say “if we win this race we will have the wedding of the dreams, if we lose we will break up and never see each other again” and predictably they lose and everyone rejoices. And I always want to enter the amazing race with Jamie and Tuesday night after 15 minutes of being in car with him, navigating a foreign land I knew we couldn’t survive a three legged race let alone an amazing one.

But we arrived at the apartment and the bed was uncomfortable and I was allergic to it so I had to make an emergency trip to the pharmacy for some anti-histamines and they didn’t work so Jamie and I fashioned our own bed in the spare room. And then Jamie sleep talked. Ha it was funny he said ‘the beds should be the same, the beds should be the same.’ And he woke me up which I was not happy about but then I was able to take the mickey out of him for three whole days so it was worth it.

We ate a lot of seafood spoke very bad Italian and drank wine and beer and went to the beach. Where we bought two bats and a ball and had a whale of a time hitting the ball to each other and when we were feeling cheeky at each other.

Ohh I just saw a picture of Daniel craig on the television he is hot.

Anyway back to Sardinia we ate lots of food and now I am on the pre-wedding diet to get rid of the spare tyre and Jamie is on a diet too, although right now he is on a boat on the river Thames getting boozed.

Below photo highlights from our summer holiday.

Next holiday not until march, de-press-ing.

Jamie (tanned)
Our hire car- the smallest car in the world. Shown here in actual size.
We drove around for an hour looking for the rocco de elefante (this translates to a rock shaped like a stupid elephant) and found it. I was disappointed Jamie was ecstatic.
See we did cultural stuff too, we went to some churches, well one church there was no where to swim and it was hot so we went to the beach.
Ahh the serenity…
It is a train? Not it’s a car type thing which will not slow down if you get in it’s way. You have been warned.
Andrea and some mussels, this was my fourth portion of mussels in three days. I am a legend.

Does this need any explanation?

So there we have post and photos more pictures of the flat to follow but I have had a shit day at work and the house is a total mess and the TV is broken and I am in mourning because Jose has left Chelsea and therefore London and now I am never going to meet him, So I am having a glass of wine to calm myself down. Also I have toothache. Sometimes life is so hard.


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