Tuesday 19 February 2008

on the case

I hate packing. I think it’s a hangover from when I used to pack every weekend to go to my dad’s house and then unpack every Sunday.
I hate it , it takes ages and I always have the panic that I have left something behind. Usually I do leave my hairbrush behind. In fact on the last 4 holidays I have been on I have had to buy a hairbrush, so now I have an extensive collection of hairbrushes from places I have been on holiday. I have been around the world in 80 hairbrushes.

Anyway so I started packing on Saturday (chucked random things into a suitcase) and then did nothing on Sunday apart from watch bad tv and look angrily at my messy suitcase and here I am on Monday, still not packed. And tonight i am out, Tuesday night I am out, Wednesday night I am out and that only leaves Thursday which means I will be packing under time constraints which makes it even worse. And I haven’t written a list and I haven’t ironed anything. And I have decided I hate all my clothes and because we are saving for the wedding I am poor so I can’t buy any new things. And the house is a mess. Jamie tidied it on Sunday while I was out and I came home at 3:30 and it was a tip by 3:45. He is a lucky man.
And Jamie is not flying out with me so I can’t shove the heavy things into his bag and now I have to carry all my bags by myself, lucky I have been working out at the gym.
In other gym news my personal trainer made me hop from one side of the room to the other. Six times. It was humiliating.

That’s all. Xxxx

ps on the upside only 4 more sleeps until I leave for NZ.

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