Saturday 21 June 2008

another friday, just like the other one

Another Friday another night sitting at home. We are so broke it’s not funny we have just increased our mortgage payments in an attempt to deal with the credit crunch, though looking at our financial situation it seems a bit of a lost cause but I do it to keep the husband happy. Also we are in the process if converting the cupboard into a study for Jamie to play and for me to dump all his shit into to.
So we are at home on a Friday lucky the football is on otherwise I would have slit my wrists.

Also since the wedding I have been keeping up my fitness regime and going on the gym every day and running and spinning and stuff in an attempt to keep the bulge at bay. Anyway my tendonitis has flared up again and I could feel it coming on so Jamie told me to rest, I said ‘rest! bah humbug, I’ll just rub some deep heat on it’ and apart from stinking out Jamie now no one wants to sit next to me on the bus in the mornings.
And on Wednesday my body gave up and wanted a rest so badly my lower leg stopped moving. So I am resting for the weekend.

Speaking of buses, do you know what makes me feel physically sick when I am on the bus? People with odd shaped heads. Usually I am tolerant of people with disabilities but this one makes my stomach turn. I saw a man with no hair and a rugby ball shaped head, it made me want to vomit. I felt sorry for him but for god’s sake grow some hair so I can get through my bus ride without vomiting.
And then yesterday then was a man with totally flat back of head, it was disgusting and he was bald so he couldn’t grow his hair and in situation and only in this situation I would recommend that he gets a toupee or if he can’t afford it spray paint some hair on his head ala John Travolta (see picture below)
So maybe it’s a good thing I stink of deep heat at least it will keep the weird headed people far away from me.


John Travolta with the world's worst spray painted hair, for god's sake man have some dignity and shave it off.

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