Wednesday 19 November 2008

New blog post for Julia xxxx

Hands up who is part of the social networking phenomenon that is known as Face book? Argh we all are. And it’s a useful tool for bragging, sharing photos, keeping in touch with people and most importantly stalking.

And I have one guy on face book that I went to school with ages ago and have never spoken to at school let alone after I left and I am his friend. And for you non-face bookers out there, e.g. my mum and dad. This means you can see thier photos and what they have been doing and who their girlfriend is and where they live now etc etc. All sorts of information that you can use to judge them.
This is a funny story about my judgmental tendenices, which I am trying to control by the way before you get all judgemental on me. Once I was really stressed I think we were moving to the UK and all this stuff had to be done and I was getting all edgy. So Jamie said to me ‘Lets go out and sit somewhere so you can judge people, that will calm you down.’
And it did, after half an hour or so watching people I was as calm as the Dalai Lama. I like to judge people, it’s mean and cruel I know but you can always tell a lot about people by their shoes. That’s my motto.

Anyway so on face book there is this guy, let’s call him Harold (not his real name, I purposely choose this because they only person I know called Harold is on Neighbours) Anyway Harold I have not spoken to or seen in about 15-17 years. Anyway he is now my friend on facebook and I am obsessed with him and his life and his girlfriend (lets call her Madge for continuity) Harold and Madge do get up to some adventures let me tell you. They go to the rugby sevens in Wellington, they take funny pictures of themselves pulling faces, they party with their workmates like it’s 1999. There lives are non-stop rollercoaster and I am along for the ride. And I can’t stop myself, I am obsessed with Harold and the craziest thing is I have no idea why. Anyway I am stuck with this obsessions, I have been sucked into harold’s life and don’t see a way out. What if I ever run into him face to face what will I do? Will I talk to him? Will he recognise me? Will I want him too?
Ah lets be honest I will just pretend I didn’t see him and walk away.

In other news my less than a year old Ugg boots are kaput. The stitching has come undone and now they are unwearable. I took them to the shoemaker who couldn’t fix them and the Chinese tailor up the road and they said ‘shoe no fit under sewing machine.’ To which I replied. ‘make it fit.’ They said ‘no, shoe no fit.’ Then I said ‘Hand sew it!’ And they looked at me like I was on crack. So I stormed out.
Anyway now I have to buy a new pair because I CAN NOT LIVE without my ugg boots. (The capitalization is no mistake I really mean it.) They are my life blood and I am so poor buying a new pair is not an option, okay that’s a lie I could buy a new pair but then the mortgage wouldn’t get paid. And I asked Jamie last night if this was an acceptable solution and he didn’t answer, so I took this as a no. But then again silence is open to interpretation isn’t it?

Anyway I am off to colder climates this weekend and it’s going to be freezing, it’s going to snow and I hate snow and my winter jacket is so old it is threadbare and only has 4 of it’s 6 buttons. And yes I could get them re-sewed on but I have had this done so many times I am bored of it. And anyway I am boycotting the Chinese tailor after he refused to perform life saving surgery on my uggs.

I just also wanted it noted that I blame Jamie entirely for my living on the bread line circumstances. I’m not sure why but give me time and I’ll come up with a reason.


1 comment:

Georgia said...

That was a brilliant blog. Love. It. And now I want to know more about Harold and Madge and next time I see you I might make you show me his profile.
xx GT