Monday 9 February 2009

thinking about it

it has occurred to me reading previous blog entries that there are certain themes running through. I wish I could say they were all Oprahish like how we can all live better lives but my blog tends to be filled with my obsession with the weather, food and stuff I generally don't like to do.

And this blog post is no exception. It's that time again to discuss my hatred for packing. I am off to NZ in a few days which makes me happy! but packing my suitcase makes me sad.
I hate packing I will do anything to avoid it. ANYTHING. like the dishes, clean my bedroom take all the recycling to the recycling bins in the cold and now write on my blog about how much I hate it. this time I am restricted to only take 20 kilos. Panic stations. My wedges alone weigh 5kg, the suitcase about 4 and presents for back home 7. So I can now only take a few pair of undies and one bra.

Also I am leaving my husband behind for 2 weeks and I thought I wouldn't miss him because I am a tough old bird. But I will miss him. And also I am leaving him in charge of the builders and renovations also makes me nervous.

Right so I am off now to find something else to do rather than pack. Anything else.

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