Saturday 16 May 2009

Stop, pop and roll

For those of you that are interested eg my Dad, yes we won our game of touch rugby. If you want to track our progress you can go to this website

Our team name is Touch you up. Yes the boys chose it.

Often when I play touch rugby, if my shoulder gets a sudden jolt, it dislocates. It happens a lot, about once every couple of months.

I went to see a physio shoulder expert who told me that I shouldn't really play anymore. And I was like but 'I think I am going to keep playing' and he said 'That's probably not a good idea' and I said 'Well I think I'll keep playing' and he was like 'You really shouldn't' and then we stared at each other for a few seconds and there was a bit of tension, before he said.'Do you want me to show you how to tape it so when you play it won't pop out?' Ha victory.

Anyway he taped it for me, see pictures below. When he was taping it he told me that lots of Maori and Samoan rugby players have the same problem. Comparing my physique to a rughy player! Insulting! I think he was getting me back for not taking his advice. And also did you know that when you rip the tape off it hurts. Like really hurts, and it takes ages to do. So bugger that I am not taping it.

Look at my terrible posture in this picture and it gives me a massive armpit fanny. And look you can see my photo moustache I told you a get a moustache in photos and this is proof.

Instead I have bought this very professional looking strap thing that holds my shoulder in place, so far three games and no dislocation.

When I bought it it said on the package 'not to be used for contact sports' I asked the guys in the shop if touch rugby was a contact sport, they said nah and I said 'It is the way I play it.' in a deep voice. And they looked at me weird and I felt a bit pervy.

I have three followers. Wicked.

Jamie is home from Tokyo today which is a good thing because I was starting to talk to myself like a crazy person and worse I was becoming that person who talks too much to shop assitants because you realise it might be your only social interaciton in your entire day.

Am off to make nachos for dinner. Yum.



Ida said...

OMG 'armpit fanny' I am still laughing
Love you girl xo

Georgia said...

You are one hard core mo fo.
xxx GT

Anonymous said...

Hi It's tough to be a professional touch rugby player. However when to going gets tough the tough gets going. Keep it up . Lve Dad