Friday 16 April 2010

False start

On Monday night i woke up and was convinced i was going into labour, contraction pain and everything and I woke Jamie up and told him and he went back to sleep but I was to excited so I watched TV and thought oh my baby will be here soon and then the next morning Jamie wanted to stay at home with you and I was said it might take a while so you to go work, so he went to work and started handing over all his work to his staff while I stayed at home and tidied the babies room and started nesting and then it all stopped. Oh the shame. Total false alarm I was livid. And embarrassed Jamie had told everyone at work that I was going into labour, so now I look like a big fat liar.

And then as if to rub salt in the wounds the baby kicked me loads to show me who was boss.

Anyway am trying all natural methods this week like curries, raspberry tea and yes even sex not sure how this is going to be achieved maybe with lots of pillows, anyway I am ready to be a Mum and totally ready to stop being pregnant.

Stay tuned xxxx

p.s. doesn't it seem like I have been pregnant for ages? like forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Practice makes perfect lol, thinking of you both Love Dad
P.S Nicole and Whanau moved into their new home today