Thursday 6 May 2010


No baby but new trendy blog background, with an owl, toot to woo. Right am off now to get ready for the hospital tomorrow, i need to straigthen my hair, convince jamie to paint my toenails (unlikely) and pack my bronzer for after baby photos.

Also don't expect to see any pictures of me immediately post-birth, i will be doing some serious styling before I let Jamie anywhere near me with a camera. Also there will be none of those pictures people put on facebook with their babies pressed up aganist there naked torsos, they kind of gross me out. Yes I know it is natural and all that but also a tiny bit icky. Plus my boobs are huge so it's entirely possibly that any picture of me the littlest bit naked would have some unintentional nipple on display and no one wants that.

Also am taking a video camera so we can take video of the baby, I might be able to work out how to upload it onto here but it is doubtful.

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