Tuesday 4 May 2010

No news

No baby yet, no to get too technical but my cervix isn't anywhere near ready, so it looks like I will be induced on Thursday which is not ideal and a bit scary but there's not really much I can do about it, the body just needs a bit of encouragement to get things going.

And yes before you post lots of suggestions I have tried every single old wives tale and new age therapy, it's costing me a small fortune, but nothing has changed still no baby. And also everyone says, rest now while you can, sleep now while you can, you won't sleep for the next hundred years! hahahaha!, i feel like saying fuck off I want my baby not extra sleep you morons.

I have now been pregnant for over 10 months! It's a fucken age and i am now so heavy I can't walk or sleep or sit or anything and I am very very frustrated as you can probably tell my the tone of this post.

By the weekend the baby will be here, about fucken time. I feel a bit sorry for the baby because it is in the right position and trying to get out buy my cervix is just not playing ball.

Everyone is like when you have a happy healthy baby you will forget about all the waiting and the discomfort, yeah I am pretty sure I won't, I am pretty sure I will remember being this fat and frustrated FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.

The only upside is that with all my complaining I have realised that I really do have the most supportive nicest husband in the entire world. Throughout all my bitching and complaining he has also been positive and rubbed my back and fetched me water and been lovely. And never once said how he is frustrated of waiting for the baby, which I am sure he is! Plus I am making him sleep in the spare room and he keeps the door open so he can hear me at night in case I make any suspicious noises. I always knew he was a keeper.

So by the weekend pictures of the baby on the blog. On the upside with all the waiting we have decided on our names. One thing off the list.


1 comment:

Ida said...

Classic post darling sweet Drea. Hugs to you xo