Thursday 27 January 2011

It's Wednesday, it's blog time!

So it's that time again, blog time and I have nothing to write about. how do writers do this? Jamie is away this week so I am all by myself, so far it has been fine apart from I had some really bad insomnia on Saturday night and in desperation took a sleeping tablet after 3 hours of being awake. (you are not meant to take anything when you are breastfeeding, speaking of which did I tell you that when I had my operation after giving birth, the only pain medication they could give me was paracetamol! After a massive operation and all that pain and all they offered was paracetamol! I didn't even take it, waste of time)

But now after taking lots of different sleeping stuff, including herbal tablets (which are about as useful as having paracetamol after 2 hours of emergency surgery) My sleeping seems to be back on track.

This is one thing about myself that I get annoyed at, as soon as I am a little bit stressed I can't sleep and I find it hard to turn my brain off. I interviewed someone once who said when they get stressed they just fall asleep, no problem. Man I was jealous. Anyway I realised that actually my sleep hasn't been very good for a while, partly because when you have a baby you wake up at every sound, and partly because I am quite stressed I think. So I have started mediating every morning when Mac goes down for this morning nap, previously I was spending this time watching the Jeremy Kyle show. So far, so good my sleep has improved and I can record Jeremy Kyle and watch it later, sweet as.

In other equally boring news my face looks an absolute state because I have picked at my skin when there was no zits and now the side of my nose is completely red, infected and oozing clear fluid. Gross. The worst bit? again I did this to myself, there was no zit there and I just scratched at a bit of dry skin. And surprise, surprise after scratching at my nose for three days it got infected. Anyway it's so bad I am not going to baby sing-a-long today, too embarrassing, I am going to take Mac to the library and we will hide out in there in a dark corner.


ps Just a diet update for anyone that cares, it's going crap have been eating lots of bad food, I have not lost any weight and am back in NZ in less than a month so have to get into a swimsuit. Dire straights my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute boy and mum looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud Dad