Thursday 31 March 2011

A diamond in the rough

Well it's another wednesday and once again I have nothing to say, will you feel sorry for me if I say my heart beats a little bit faster when the mail comes through the mail slot? That's right the mail is now a highlight of my day.

I know what is exciting, I got a bonus this year from my work which is ironic considering I actually haven't spent a day in there in the past year but because of the awesome uk maternity laws l am legally entitled to a bonus. Now before we get too excited, it's not massive but it's enough for me to get excited about so when the letter came Jamie and I had the following conversation.

'Awesome, I just got a bonus.'

'Well done, what are you going to spend it on?'

'Well I could buy something for you' (i was feeling generous because jamie always buys me a nice treat from his christmas bonus and i wanted to return the favour, you will see how I am rewarded for my generosity in a few seconds)

'You don't need to buy me anything.'

'i know but I want to'

'baby, your bonus is tiny compared to mine if i wanted to buy something i don't need your bonus.' (his exact words, patronising arse)

'Stop shitting on my bonus.'

'I'm no,t but just buy something for yourself, spend it all on yourself'

'But I want to share it with you.'

'I don't need it, I get my own bonus which is massive and makes yours look so tiny I couldn't see it with a microscope' (I am paraphrasing but you get the idea)

'How much is that apple computer thing you want to buy?'


"Whoa, Okay I'll spend it on myself, good idea.'

So yesterday I went out and bought myself a diamond ring, can you believe it? with my own money all for me, all by myself I didn't even get anyone's opinion on it, i just saw it and ordered it. Now before you think what a lucky spoilt girl just remember a few things, my fanny got infected and burst open last year (yes feel sorry for me I will be pulling that sob story out for years to come) also the mail is the highlight of my day, the highlight!


1 comment:

Georgia said...

You go for it lovely you deserve it!! I am sitting around feeling massive. My exciting purchase today was 4 blouses from a discount store for me to wear while breast feeding. Stay tuned xxx