Friday 4 November 2011

I am really really tired today

I don't know why but i am knackered i was going to write a post about jamie being silly but I can't remember what i was going to say. So anyway here is a video of mackay playing with bottle caps.

Also he has walked in dog poo twice this week and i have had to clean it off his shoes and it makes me want to vomit.

 People not picking up their dog's poo it my number one pet hate. So i have thought of a concept that should be implemented by camden council immediately to deal with the situation.

Each dog has to be registered and when they are registered they have a electronic chip put in them that links them to their owner. And their owner has a chip put in their  bottom area ( a totally painless procedure) Every time the dog poos in a public place and it is not cleaned up by the owner, the owner gets an electric shock up their bum. Now I know that technology might not be there at the moment but the concept is pretty solid.

It's called Poo shocker! (with the exclamation mark) Don't steal my idea.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

That is pure genius. You are totally onto something there. Imagine it working in Paris - MERDE!! xx