Saturday 31 December 2011

Christmas spirit

This year Jamie got me some lovely bits and bobs for Christmas which i really liked (in large part due to the fact that I gave him a list of things I wanted, compete with links to all the products so it was pretty hard for him to go wrong)

So on christmas eve I opened all my presents (we open Christmas presents on christmas eve in our family, so do the royal family, yet another thing we have in common) Anyway he said to me you have one more gift but it hasn't arrived yet. So I thought there had been a delivery error,  awesome a second Christmas! and then I said to him on Christmas morning 'what's my other gift?' and he said '£30 pounds of amazon gift vouchers' and I thought how nice, vouchers for my kindle what a great idea that wasn't on the list. What a thoughtful husband I have. Ha!

When the vouchers arrived via email they were in two lots, one £10 and one of £20, very suspicious and when I looked closer I noticed that he had got them as a loyalty deal for using sainsburys to do his shopping. A total re-gfit, for Christmas, for his wife! The cheek.

Then when I pointed out he was being a shameless re-gifter he threatened to take them back. Never mind that they had been collected doing the family shopping online, which I do every week. So really they were half mine to begin with.

I said to him it's not the gift I have the issue with, it's the deceit, imagine getting free vouchers and trying to pass them of as a Christmas gift to your wife! who you have been with for 15 years! who almost died giving birth to your child! (slight exaggeration) cheapskate.

And I bought him and awesome coffee machine for Chrsitmas. He hasn't heard the last of this, not by a long shot.

By the way this one bad gift totally negated the years and years of awesome presents he has given me. Wipes them out in one clean swoop.

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