Tuesday 8 May 2012

I have been very lazy

it's been so long since I blogged they have changed the blogger interface! so excuse me if this has typos because i might not be able to find the spellcheck button.

So what's been happening since the end of feb?

Well the weather was cold in March and then we had 10 days of 20 degree weather early April and Jamie said to me 'i think this is the start of a long hot summer.' As soon as it was out of his mouth I knew he had cursed us and it has been cold and raining ever since. Entertaining an active toddler indoors is like trying to keep a bull from breaking a plate in a china shop.

But we moved last week into a new house which is much bigger than our last house and finally I feel like we have enough space for the three of us and no threat from an imminent rat invasion. Did i blog about the rats? Basically we had rats in the cupboard at the end of the hall (we named it, rather unimaginatively, the rat cupboard) anyway they were in there and they were there to stay after 7 visits from the rat catchers they still hadn't got them all, they thought that there was a hole from the sewer that came directly into our house. That's right our cupboard was a shortcut the rats took to get from their underground liar into the human world. They were brazen buggers too, one ran all the way down the hall under the door and through our lounge. It was at this point I discovered that both Jamie and i are both afraid of rats. Not a good combo for a marriage, anyway we had to leave the rat house and have now moved into this hopefully rat free home which has wait for it, stairs! We now have two levels of London flat.

my favourite parts of the flat are the back garden, big bedrooms and no rats. Jamie loves the open plan lounge and having a dining room, Mackay favourite part is the shower cubicle, actually just the shower cubicle door which he likes to open and close especially when I am in the shower while shouting 'get out. at me and then he cries when he gets wet. Sometimes i feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall when i try to teach him abut consequences.

And it's his birthday tomorrow, he is two tomorrow, I thought at this stage i would be entertaining the thought of another one but i can't really be bothered with the whole pregnancy and breastfeeding thing again. And those sleepless nights, you can forget about it.

So tonight Jamie and I are assembling gifts for him which will probably end in some sort of argument and then we will have them all set up when he wakes up, a bit like christmas morning. I'll post pictures of his excited or grumpy face depending on what mood he wakes up in.

So now the stress of moving is out of the way and all the other stressful projects I have had in the last couple of months I will try to blog more.

Mackay and his best friend Jamie (or Jam)

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