Saturday 19 May 2012

Why do i do it to myself?

There are lots of things that make me cry, but mostly it's the tlevision. i would like to say this has ben a new occurrence since becoming a mother and feeling mother deeply, being more connected to the circle of life, etc etc etc. But actually i have always been an easy crier. it's a fact.

The top three tv programmes that make me cry, always are:
Number Three: Great Ormond Street- a programme about the children's hospital in London which features sick children that are usually pretty cute who go through hideous treatments and if that wasn't bad enough about 50% of them die. Hideous

Number Two: 24 hours in A&E Sick people again, this time in an A&E department. And people die in this one too, but it's worse when they totally fake you out and the documentary makers make like people have died when actually they haven't and then they pop up at the end of the programme to tell you how precious life is and how you should not take one single day for granted. I do this a lot, i take every single day for granted so after watching this i am sad and feeing guilty about how i have squandered my life.

Number one: P&G advert And i'm not even joking i can't type this without crying. It's for P&G I have no idea who they are or what they do apart form make highly emotional adverts. Anyway it follows a mum and her son and her getting up early for running practice and travelling on the bus and generally struggling and then the last scene is of him at the olympics winning gold and he blows his mum a kiss. Real tears are coming to my eyes now. Jesus.

And Jamie says to me, why do you do it to yourself? The answer is i don't know, any psychologists out there your opinion is welcome.

And I even found the advert on google, watch it and tell me you don't shed a tear, I dare you.

1 comment:

Fairie Belle said...

very, very nearly cried