Wednesday 25 July 2012

Things to remember about Mackay before i forget

Kids grow and change so fast, especially toddlers. i'm sure there is some proper research on that but I can't be bothered googling it. i want to write some things down before I forget what mackay does that makes me laugh and smile.

he says 'Oh Man' when things don't go his way. The other day we were sitting on the couch at 7:00 in the morning and he wanted some sweets. When I told him the shop was closed. He said 'Oh Man, Oh Man!' 

He is such a good helper around the house, he always cleans up after himself and helps me with the dishes of=r the laundry. I hope this will continue all his life but I doubt it. He also definitely gets this form Jamie not from me.

Today we were at the park playing in the water and I said 'Mummy has got wet' so he walked all the way back to our bags and picked up the towel and bought it back to me. His kindest broke my heart.

He says hello to strangers, often old people who look a bit lonely.

He loves sweets and ice cream and most of all juice. 

He is really kind to his friends, holds their hands and shares his food. And he gets really upset if they don;twang to hold his hand, it breaks my heart.

he is a copy cat, big time. anything his friends are doing he will do. I hope this stops by the time he is a teenager.

he does have demon behaviour too, he can through a tantrum at the drop of a hat and likes to throw things at us but really his funny behaviour outweighs the negative stuff 10 to one.


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