Sunday 11 November 2012

Well ...

No blog post in about 500 years and i am thinking of giving up the blog, I have been doing it for ages now, maybe about 5 years give or take and I think I am running out of things to say. And motherhood has turned my brain to mush, seriously speaking of words in more than 5 letters is a struggle. I've lost the love a bit actually and probably because my blogging is so intermittent, my audience.

I also notice how many blogs that mothers write revolve around their children, mostly with phrases like 'here we are at the beach' or 'My first piece of apple' and although i am guilty of this. lets be honest it's mostly really boring.

Also there's lots of stuff going down in the Bennett household that i can't talk about. Now by saying this i am not trying to encourage drama or for you to beg me to tell you what is going on. (Much like a Facebook friend whose status updates are 'I'm so angry' and then people ask why and she never responds, seriously is there anything more attention seeking!)  Just that there is stuff that I can't talk about because of national security reasons. This leads to a barrier between you my audience and me the narrator. And as i' m trying to live my life more honestly these days, (It's awesome you should try it) i find that being unable to write about these things means my blogging flow is blocked, big time.

And when you add into the mix Facebook and I feel like I am interacting with people on a digital level. Maybe i should put my Facebook posts on here. Maybe not.

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