Friday, 28 November 2014

So I am reactivating the blog, really how many times have I gone off the blog and then back on it. At least a million, if not a million and one. Anyway here we are back again. I feel like i need to give a quick update of where I am and what I am doing now.

Here's a quick profile, like you would find on so mostly real if not a little embellished to make me more attract to you, my reader.

Age: 35, this is not a lie. Is 35 considered old or young these days? I feel like my 25 year old self would think I was old but my 65 year old self would think my life was just starting. So philosophical question really.

Build: I am built awesome, fit my clothes feel pretty good, all over.

Eyes: Blue and slightly wrinkly.

Hair: Wait for it, Greying gracefully! I am growing our my grey proudly.

Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand but this might change. stay tuned! did this sound a bit attention seeking and dramatic? Well it was meant to!

Interests: Well, I run a lot, I spend hours wasting time on the internet, I try to cram a whole lot of TV into my time. And I read.

Children: two beautiful little sausages. Okay in the interest of honestly, my oldest throws stage 5 level tantrums and my youngest favourite word is no and still likes being breastfeed to sleep. But I love them unconditionally, I can't help it, it's part of my DNA.

Life Motto: This changes daily and really who can sum up life in one motto? I try to live honestly and be the best example I can to my kids.

So all this is going on, i will upload a picture soon to show you my grey hair which my be one of my best achievements achieved with the least possible effort!

Love to all my long time listeners and my new followers. I guess that brings the total to 2 people, one being my dad.

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