Thursday 28 June 2007

The wedding weekender

On Saturday we went to my best friend from work’s wedding in the Cotswolds it was lovely and a little bit emotional. Good time was had by all as the photos will show. I wore a lovely dress that I got stains all over and had to take to the dry cleaners on Monday. He asked me what the stains were and I couldn’t remember, oh the shame! I guessed they were alcohol related and he gave me a suspicious look.

We met many new friends and took dodgy photos then woke up had some good bacon, bacon is always better when it is not from London and then drove the rental car home. And went to the pub and then had a little mini nap. And then Jamie woke me up unexpectedly and annoyed me until I got out of bed and then I was grumpy. But then watched the genius that is Casino (it’s a movie fyi) and felt better. heads up to Scorsese, Pesci and De Niro.

And now Lucy is on her honeymoon and I miss her, more than I miss Jamie when he went to Tok-yo. I have no one to talk about Big Brother, or Dancing with the stars or hello magazine with (Hello magaine is called Ola! in Spain, not sure why but this always makes me laugh.) Any way my work place has now become a cultural wasteland; I am a lonely penguin on a seagull island.

Come back Lucy and quick.

Have to go now have got sore shoulders and neck from sitting in front of a computer all day working for the man. And seeing a nice but tentative phsyio called Steve to try to sort it out.


Ps their wedding cake was lemon and carrot delicious!

Pps two different cakes, lemon and then carrot not lemon-carrot cake I’m not sure that cake combo would work but I am willing to give it a shot if anyone will make it for me.

Ppss maybe carrot with a tiny bit of lemon but not a half-half thing.
Happy Bride and Groom
Dancing Queens, can you guess what song we are dancing too? It’s ‘9 to 5’ CLASSIC!!!

me and my new friend Steve he is from Leeds, his family doesn’t work in a pit, unlike ALL other Northerners. The guy who sat on my other side was a gardener and he just finished Jason Donovan’s garden. Whoa the people you meet.

It s me and Jamie!

It’s me and the stains!

Mr and Mrs Peasley full of joy and love. Wishing you many years of happiness.


Georgia said...

Oh bless... you looked pretty and I couldnt see any stains :o)). I am over working for the man too. I want to work for myself. See you on Sat an we can talk about celeb goss all you like! xo

Anonymous said...

Who is the man....I don't get it. Looks like such a lovely wedding, and you did wear the dress you bought here and Jamie looked so smart. Brides dress also looks lovely.