Saturday 14 July 2007

Sorry it's been so long ....

Have not updated my blog in one hundred years and I am sorry. I blame Jamie because I was using his fancy new computer, (without his permission) which he has only let me use three times under strict supervision and he wasn’t at home so I couldn’t ask him, anyway I was taping away and I pressed the wrong button and then the stupid ibook froze and I LOST ALL MY WORK. And I wet my pants a little bit because I thought I had broken his laptop but I hadn’t. It now seems to be working okay. But if he asks you I did not touch his laptop without his permission. If he knew he might leave me.

Anyway my post was hilarious it was all about the weather and stuff. I will try to re-create the highlights below. Think I will do it in points because I am lazy and it is Friday afternoon.

The weather in London is crap.
It is July it should be sunny and hot.
It is not. It is raining and cold.
No one seems to be trying to remedy the situation.
No one apart from me really truly cares about the situation.
If the weather does not improve soon I am leaving. I have no idea where I will go. Maybe Barbados or Beiruit.

Another thing the house stuff is moving along nicely will hopefully move in Mid-August am trying to get a new bathroom in before that. I am not too confident about dealing with trades people. I am little bit afraid of them because they have a loose relationship with personal hygiene and also seem to make a lot of jokes I don’t understand. Anyway am getting some quotes for the new bathroom done next week with make Jamie be with me for moral support.

Also loving the smokefree pubs and clubs because when I get home my hair doesn’t smell like a TAB (or if you are in UK a Ladbrokes) and all the smokers have to go outside which means there are more seats to sit on which appeals to my genetic laziness. And also drinking beer is just better when you are sitting down, it s a nesting thing.

Will also post some pictures tonight to make up for my long abscence.

Disaster just read in the paper that the weather will not improve until August. Jesus what the hell is going on? I am wearing jeans in july. Jeans in July! What has the world come too? Stupid global warming.


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