Wednesday 25 July 2007

Misty water coloured memories ....

So thought i would post one of the first letters home that I wrote to my friends and family over three years ago. I rememeber writing this too I think I was fatter then.

Top 10 facts about Andrea’s life in London, (there are 11 things on this list, I was obviously a bit drunk when I wrote it)

1. Now that I have settled in good and proper I thought I would provide you with a list to give you a little bit of insight into London town.

2. I read a lot. I have always read quickly and a lot of books but in London I read so much its illegal. I have joined the library and I go and get like 6 books a week. And books that I have always wanted to read. Like Animal Farm (a bit of a let down after all the press) and Wuthering Heights. Jamie works a lot of shifts so I am by myself sometimes and you won’t believe this but I turn off the TV go to my bedroom and read. It’s a miracle.

3. And I have joined the gym in London, like in new Zealand, and I am not going just like in New Zealand, some things never change. Too much time spent reading

4. I miss Shorthand Street. Weird because before I left I was phasing it out of my life and only tuned in for the weddings and funerals. But since being in London I visit the website every week and check the updates. I don’t know why because the characters have changed since I left so the story lines have no context for me. Sometimes childhood patterns are hard to break I guess.

5. Speaking of addictions I have given up soft drinks. Cold Turkey, no mucking around, not even a sip. No more soft drinks for Andrea. Ever, ever again. I have now been diet coke free for 8 days. Before that it was a 2-3 can a day habit. I had the shakes for the first few days but after day four I had ridden over the hump and was on the downhill slope. Actually I do feel a bit like diet coke now.

6. Yeah I’m used to the homeless and crack heads, I don’t even give them money I thought I would by all generosity of spirit, and peace be with you, but they smell bad and don’t seem that grateful when you do give them money. One homeless dude said tome that I needed to buy some make-up. Cheeky Bugger, Jamie probably gave him 5 quid to tell me.

7. Actually is transpires that I am quite a clean person and just a little bit anal. I have instigated the cleaning rooster at my flat and have had to educate people, that spray and wipe cannot be used on a bath it must be cleaned with Jif, thoroughly, and that the floors have to be washed every week at the minimum. Honestly where did my flatmates grow up? I’ll tell you where, Australia, that explains it.

8. My hair and nails grow surprisingly fast in London. It’s freaky. I may have told you this before but I have to reiterate it because it freaks me out. Big Time. Even the hairdresser said my hair grew fast. And she’s a professional.

9. I am in love with convenience food, but not crappy heat it in the microwave tastes like plastic food. Like delicious Greek meatballs and risotto and chicken with olives. I haven’t actually cooked the whole time I have been here. I just heat and it suits me fine.

10 .My Neighbourhood is a strange one. It has masses of Eastern European ladies, who like a bit of rouge and prostitutes, no correlation between the two. And about 5 million tourists a minute, all of whom seem to be groups of German school children with no supervision. And I have only seen one drug dealer, this is perhaps the weirdest fact as drug dealers are all over London waving stuff in your face. Don’t worry I don’t buy my drugs of the street, I don’t need to anyway my flatmate deals on the side (I am joking guys, just trying to wind Johann up)

11. I would sell my soul for a seat on the tube. I eye the seat up try and predict whose going to leave next and then swoop in like a vulture and claim a seat. I have actually pushed people out of the way before. I don’t know why I bother my journey is only like 20 minutes and the seat are gross, smell like a homeless person , are never clean and are always slightly damp. I don’t even want to think about why.

Well that’s all I hope this gives you a little insight into my new London Life. I am all metropolitan now. It’s starting to get cold and the winter lasts for nine months. Jesus. It’s a long hard road ahead with only the bright light of my birthday (in Paris) and Christmas to guide me.

Lots of love to NZ and all my friends.
Love drea xxx

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