Saturday 19 December 2009

A urban legend comes to life

Now if you have spent any time around a pregnant woman you will be aware of the condition 'baby brain' essentially it's an excuse for doing dumb shit and it's one of those things until you are pregnant you think it is an urban legend but it is completely true, unfortunately.

In the past month I have lost,

  • my ipod still lost, I may have a hope of finding it as I can remember seeing it on a table or a surface of some kind.

  • my keys, I loose these at least once a day

  • my glasses, lost, permanently. I am buying a new pair tomorrow

  • my security pass for work, I lose this every time I leave my desk to go the toilet, usually it's in my pocket.

  • and finally my mind, the best example of this is the other day I came home from work and made myself a ham sandwhich, I got the ham, the lettuce, the bread and the mustard out and made a sandwhich. It wasn't until I was half-way through my second half of sandwhich, that I realised I had forgotten to put any ham in it. I had almost eaten the whole sandwhich without ham! I think I was distracted because the bread was so delicious. Anyway what ever the reason there was no ham. And when I told Jamie that story he said that the mustard was past it's due by date. I didn't even want to begin the conversation of how it knew it was off but left it in the fridge for me to eat, like a trap. So I had a rancid mustard and lettuce sandwhich for dinner but on the upside the bread and butter were delicious.

More brain dead adventures to follow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best before, not worse after