Monday 29 November 2010

Three things

Three things about my week:

Got a fringe, I am undecided about whether I like it or not but it's a hassle, I have to blow dry and then straighten so I don't look like an 80's rock star. I lost my hair after giving birth (boo) and then it started growing back (yeah!) but it meant that I had really odd hair with baby hair at the front and bald patches at the side so I thought a fringe would hide it but I think i look like a tiny bit of a drag queen and when i told Jamie this he laughed which means it is kind of true.

A man tried to sell me a plasma tv off the back of the truck, literally. I was very excited. Well he said it was a plasma tv but I think it was more likely a plasma tv box full of bricks. But very exciting nonetheless.

I had the best mandarin I have ever had in England, it was delicious moist and juicy and best of all easy to peel.

Also I have realised that I have a very high immunity to the cold and flu virus, I think I have super immunity, I am currently developing a theory as to why and how. I'll keep you posted.

That's all my adventures for the week. xxx

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