Saturday 13 November 2010

He's very advanced for his age you know

Now every mother thinks there child is advanced but I have a news flash for you, Mackay is very advanced everyone says so, at 4 months he was rolling over both ways and rolling back. Very advanced. And he really moves around the lounge like from one end to the other, you can’t put anything on the floor without him picking it up and putting it in his mouth. And when I say anything I mean anything he is not allowed to have, things he is particularly interested in are my breast pump, tubes of toxic cream and electrical sockets; he has a love affair with the remote controls and will shove them in his mouth and then scream if you take them away from him. He can move across the whole lunge in 1.2 seconds if there is a remote on the other side. Things he couldn’t care less about is any of his toys or anything age appropriate

Anyway I took him up the road to the baby gym on Wednesday and I said I think the babies class might be too young for him, he’s very advanced for his age and the man on the front desk gave me a sympathic look and said patronisingly, ‘lets just try him in the babies class’ so I said ‘okay’ and off we toddled. Well I put mackay down on the mat next to a 3 month old and within three seconds he was grabbing her and trying to roll on top of her. Now Mackay is a big unit (95% percentile for height and weight) and the poor little girl looked terrified. After trying to restrain him about 20 times I had to take him for a time out far away from the other babies so they could have some peace.

And the instructor in class gently suggested that we may need to go to the class for older babies, basically we were booted out for being too disruptive.

So on Thursday we went to the older class when there was all this awesome equipment and slides and toys for him to roll and move on and put in his mouth and he spent the whole half hour in the middle of the room playing statues. I asked the instructor if we could borrow the remote control for the stereo as I knew he would move for that but she didn’t like that idea. (As a side note on Tuesday afternoon he was kicking off so I let him play with a green plastic bag for 30 minutes, he loved it.) I kept on saying to the lady he really does move a lot at home, but she didn’t believe me. So after half an hour of lying on the mat we left heads hung in shame. I’m giving it another go this week as I figured it might be stage fright or he might have been overwhelmed by the awesomeness of all the equipment.


ps i just remembered last week we went to the library for a sing-a-long and there were their 6 month old babies who weren't even rolling! one nice young boy Tom was lying next to us and mackay whacked him in the eye, made him cry and then tried to deliver his signature mackay i'm going to roll on you and squash all the air out of your lungs. But luckily Tom's Mum saw it coming and moved him out of the way quick smart.

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