Friday 16 September 2011

Fun times in italy

We had a lovely relaxing holiday in Italy, but man the italians are too relaxed and i found this a bit annoying which undid my relaxation somewhat. Apart from on the roads on which they turn into maniacs, have accidents and then make people almost miss their flights which makes some people (e.g. me) turn into a screaming maniac which is not relaxing for husbands.

And I ate so much I have almost put back on all my baby weight, so am back to the gym and the diet, hardcore, no mucking around.

so below are lots of pictures of our fun times, I won’t caption them because it’s obvious guys, get with the programme. Apart from to say Jamie’s particular favourite is the one of mackay with the tennis racquet and ball. He thinks we have the next Federer on our hands.

Also did I tell you that my goal before the next baby comes along is to do a triathlon. It’s a  great goal two things are preventing me from doing this, one I can’t swim, two I can’t ride a bike. Neither of which are very cool things to admit.

Anyway I have started swimming classes and the instructor, who is like a Spanish James Franco, said I was the best in the class and gave me a high five, which isn’t saying much as there was one guy in our class that needed five noodle things around his waist and he still wouldn’t take his feet off the ground. Also my sister told me that me nephew’s swimming instructor gives him high fives, which made me feel a  little lame.

Anyway first lesson down and hopefully by the end of the term I can do one of those turn things at the end of the pool, Jamie said a flash turn thing doesn’t mean you are a good swimmer. I said no but it looks cool and at the end of the day that is what I am aiming for.

I have no idea how I am going to learn to ride a bike, I don’t think they give classes in that.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Andrea you are looking so gorgeous! These are some fantastic photos of the family to cherish. Looks like you all had a great holiday x