Tuesday 29 May 2012

Am i too old?

Coloured jeans are massive in London at the moment, especially because it's summer. Walking down the high street you see all the colours of the rainbow slapped on people's legs. So I thought I would follow the trend and get some hot pink jeans. I thought I was pretty trendy until jamie told me 'Coloured jeans are totally a 20's thing not a 30's thing.' Rude and ageist. But I disregarded his comment and wore them anyway because I spend a lot more time on celebrity blogs than he does, i know what the hip people are wearing.

I gave them their first outing on sunday and I went to see two of my friends who are quite fashion forward and no one said anything about the jeans and I said to Jamie when we left
'i surprised no one said anything about my new jeans.'
And he said 'Maybe they did say something, just after you have left.'
That's my husband, always tells it like it is. A word of warning don't ever ask him if you have put on weight, he will give you an honest answer.  Be prepared for it.

This has just come back to me , like some traumatic flashback, once I was in the fitting room with my mum trying on bikinis and she said to me 'Are you still going to the gym?' I said i was and then she said 'maybe you should cut down on the biscuits then.' Really,  I am surrounded by too much honesty.

Also I think all the step and spinning i have been doing has increased my thigh girth. Not good. Especially since i just ordered some bright green skinny jeans and I'm not sure if bright green is technically a slimming colour.

Below are the offending jeans


Fairie Belle said...

The fact of the matter is, when we were growing up we had very little options for clothes, mainly menswear shops. and op shops. (i.e. dead menswear). That is seriously true.
So we did not get a fair innings at wearing fun, fashionable, girl clothes. That is my first point. Second point is, nowadays, tweens and teens get the most fun clothes and styles and colours, and what, i ask you, are they making for those in their thirties? In NZ especially there is just a big gaping hole between twenties and old lady pant top and scarf combo's.
Thirdly. Who's to say we're not 29? That's twenties. Wear the jeans, they look great. :)

Georgia said...

I have to comment because I am 33 and pregnant and I was so determined not to miss out on fun coloured jeans so I bought some bright blue maternity ones. I nearly bought faded leopard ones too. Shove that in your pipe Gaga!!