Tuesday 29 May 2012

Mackay plays with my mind

Mackay is usually pretty good at putting himself to sleep but because it has been so hot he played up at bedtime tonight.

This was the sequence of events.

Jamie put him to bed
Shuffle, shuffle noises heard on the monitor
He called 'Gaga, Gaga!' a couple of times (Gaga is what he calls Jamie, long story)
We ignored it.
He read himself his sleepy bunny book, he had shortened the narrative somewhat to 'bunny, bunny, hahaha'
quiet for a few minutes
A few more 'Gaga! Gaga!'
Lots of grunting and shuffling around
Some more shuffling
Gaga! Gaga! and then escalating crying.
At this stage I conceded defeat and went upstairs to ask him what was up.
He had taken off his sleeping bag and was lying with his feet against the wall.
He was adamant I was to lie down next to his bed while he fell asleep, I tried to negotiate so I could sit outside the door but he wasn't having it.
So I laid down, he stood up,
I said if you stand up I'm leaving.
He lay down
I lay down
He stood up
I threatened to leave if he didn't sit down
He stayed standing up
I left the room
He cried
I came back in the room
He lied down
I lay down
He stood up (it is tedious to read this? it was more tedious to participate in it, believe me)
I stood up
He lay down and asked for some water (he was definitely not thirsty.)
I gave him water from a sippy bottle, it leaked, he complained about it.
He stood up
I went to leave the room, he lay down.
I lay down
He asked for his new hat. I said okay and I went down stairs to get it and while i was downstairs looking for his hat he fell asleep and not a peep since.
What is going on with that? Totally playing some weird game with me. Crazy child.

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