Sunday 22 September 2013


So I've decided to fire up the blog again after the world's longest break. I'm going to do a couple of posts and then announce it to the world with a massive multimedia, multi platform re-launch, or just put the link on facebook. Whatever works.

Since last time we spoke there have been big changes, little changes and medium sized changes in Andrea Bennett's life. And one of them is not talking about myself in the third person, I'll only do that onceIi promise.

So I had a baby, a little girl we called Olive. (It was so painful I can't even bear to remember it) Who we all love and who is an amazing sleeper, i'm not going to tell you how amazing because other mothers will hunt me down and kill me. But compared to Mackay her sleep is phenomenal. Second time around it is a million times easier, probably because i'm not on my death bed and also because i am so much more relaxed about everything. And time has passed so quickly. She is three months already. Did i hear you ask for a photo? okay just because you twisted my arm. Here she is.

She is a cutie pootie.

Mackay loves her too which is good and no jealously issues with her, he's not too fond of me at the moment preferring Jamie, the other day he told me that some mummy's go to work and daddies stay at home, I told him yes they do but Mummy's job is looking after you. He wasn't impressed. I never thought i would be a stay at home mother or as I like to call it housewife but here I am. Sometimes you end up where you end up.

In other massive life changing news we moved countries, from London to Auckland. I was lying in bed last night and I can't believe we stayed there that long, we were in london for 10 years, most of which is documented on this blog. I feel so settled and at home here already. Jamie got a job quite quickly and we are living in a lovely sunny rental property. I have either forgotten how good the weather is here or have adjusted to the awfulness of london weather. Because seriously winter here last about 2 months and the lowest it gets to is 12 on a bad day 18 on a good day. 12 degrees! that's summer in london. Although this year they have had an amazing summer, i am beginning to think I am the weather curse and bad weather follows me. this is too nightmarish to even contemplate. 

That's all for now. A couple of admin things. The blog has changed appearance, in line with re-lauch so don't be shocked it's still me! Although if a colour change on a blog shocks you I think you may have a problem with change which you might need to address and secondly i am moderating all comments because i was spammed while i was away, so comment please it just won't appear straight away.

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