Sunday, 19 December 2010
Mac crawls for the first time!
Monday, 29 November 2010
Three things
Got a fringe, I am undecided about whether I like it or not but it's a hassle, I have to blow dry and then straighten so I don't look like an 80's rock star. I lost my hair after giving birth (boo) and then it started growing back (yeah!) but it meant that I had really odd hair with baby hair at the front and bald patches at the side so I thought a fringe would hide it but I think i look like a tiny bit of a drag queen and when i told Jamie this he laughed which means it is kind of true.
A man tried to sell me a plasma tv off the back of the truck, literally. I was very excited. Well he said it was a plasma tv but I think it was more likely a plasma tv box full of bricks. But very exciting nonetheless.
I had the best mandarin I have ever had in England, it was delicious moist and juicy and best of all easy to peel.
Also I have realised that I have a very high immunity to the cold and flu virus, I think I have super immunity, I am currently developing a theory as to why and how. I'll keep you posted.
That's all my adventures for the week. xxx
Saturday, 13 November 2010
He's very advanced for his age you know
Anyway I took him up the road to the baby gym on Wednesday and I said I think the babies class might be too young for him, he’s very advanced for his age and the man on the front desk gave me a sympathic look and said patronisingly, ‘lets just try him in the babies class’ so I said ‘okay’ and off we toddled. Well I put mackay down on the mat next to a 3 month old and within three seconds he was grabbing her and trying to roll on top of her. Now Mackay is a big unit (95% percentile for height and weight) and the poor little girl looked terrified. After trying to restrain him about 20 times I had to take him for a time out far away from the other babies so they could have some peace.
And the instructor in class gently suggested that we may need to go to the class for older babies, basically we were booted out for being too disruptive.
So on Thursday we went to the older class when there was all this awesome equipment and slides and toys for him to roll and move on and put in his mouth and he spent the whole half hour in the middle of the room playing statues. I asked the instructor if we could borrow the remote control for the stereo as I knew he would move for that but she didn’t like that idea. (As a side note on Tuesday afternoon he was kicking off so I let him play with a green plastic bag for 30 minutes, he loved it.) I kept on saying to the lady he really does move a lot at home, but she didn’t believe me. So after half an hour of lying on the mat we left heads hung in shame. I’m giving it another go this week as I figured it might be stage fright or he might have been overwhelmed by the awesomeness of all the equipment.
ps i just remembered last week we went to the library for a sing-a-long and there were their 6 month old babies who weren't even rolling! one nice young boy Tom was lying next to us and mackay whacked him in the eye, made him cry and then tried to deliver his signature mackay i'm going to roll on you and squash all the air out of your lungs. But luckily Tom's Mum saw it coming and moved him out of the way quick smart.
Guess whose back? Back again
after a period of absence of a long time I would not be surprised if you had all thought i had spontaneously combusted. But no I am still here just after a baby who has the time to blog? not me i lost my sanity for a while, but I'm back! Also we did not haven't the internet at our new flat for a whole two months! Anyway it got switched on today and the first thing I am doing is updating my blog. See I do love you dudes. Anyway below is a blog entry I wrote ages ago and a new picture of the cutest baby in the universe( not a lie once we were on a train and an Irish guy told us he was the cutest baby he had ever seen, his words, not mine, while he was either Irish or drunk I couldn't work it out, anyway you know your baby is cute when even drunk guys think so.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
yet another picture
This blog is not going to turn into a photo album of Mackay I promise but i took this photo the other day when he was milk drunk after a feed and his belly was so big his t-shirt couldn't contain it.
It is very hot in London at the moment and last time it was this hot he slept 7 hours in a row! haven't had one of those nights in a while. He gets really bad gas in the night and it wakes him up with a belly ache poor thing. I have tried lots of burping medicines but nothing seems to work, I think it must be a grow out of it thing.
And the book says that by the end of the month he should only be waking once in the middle of the night. Now if Mackay has read the book then we should all be okay.
Also we are moving flat because where we live at the moment is so nasty in many ways and in 2 months we will move into a lovely flat with a garden! I literally can't wait.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Mac at 2 months
Baby Mac at 2 months, he looks naked but he was wering a nappy, you can't tkae the risk of being nappyless on anything that will stain.
I know the photos are crap, we are buying a new SLR camera because are photo taking skills are so crap we need a better camera.
Also he is still sleeping well only waking once or twice in teh night for a feed. I have decided that I have read too many parenting books and have freaked myself out about many things so i have stopped reading and am just going with my gut, whih has always served me well in the past.
We are a happy little family, happier on the weekends when Jamie is home to help with looking after Mac, not because he is a hard baby to look after, he is a super easy baby but because although Mac is lovely company his conversation skills are really up to much yet and I think I am not far from going crazy talking to myself all day and watching dumb tv.
Althoguh tomorrow we are off to the shops to get rubbish bags and water filters. Seriuosly this is the highlight of my day.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Sleeping demon
He also has two or maybe three one and a half hour naps in the day. Angel baby.
Lets just pray the growth spurt holds off for a couple of weeks so I can get some sleep.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Emergency Vaginoplasty
Mackay is a very good baby and sometimes we have to wake him up in the day because he sleeps longer than 2 hours! At night sometimes if I am really lucky I get two 4 hour blocks, but not last night, last night I got three 3 hours blocks which means I got 6 hours sleep in two hour blocks so I apologise for the grammar and spelling.
Mackay is perfect but I have had a hell of a time, my contractions were quite painful because I was induced but I had an epidural so the birth wasn’t actually that bad, but I had forceps and they had to cut me which is called an episiotomy and I was sitched up. Well a week later after three midwives looked at it and saying it was fine I had a bit of a fever and went to the doctor and she had a look down there and the stitches had completely burst open and got infected. Jamie had a look and said it was uber gory.
So I went to the hospital and had to stay for a week go under general ananthetisc and the Mac was with me and the most of the midwives were quite mean, so I would have to wake up in the middle of the night and change him, feed him myself with a 40 degree temperature. And as you may know I am one tough old bitch but it was the worst week of my life hands down. Even now as I am writing about it I am crying. I never thought I could be that low. I can’t tell you how much guilt I feel about that fact that my son would cry in the middle of the night and I didn’t have the energy to pick him up. It literally broke my heart. It was awful for me, Mac and for Jamie who could only stay during visiting hours. And who had to pick his wife up off the floor every five minutes.
So after emergency surgery they sewed my up I am calling it my Vaginoplasty. I have a scar down there, how weird.
And no one slept not me, Jamie or Mac. Not an experience I would wish on anyone.
But then I got out and I thought my troubles were over and I though it can’t get any worse than this, so in no particular order here is what else has happened to me physically since he was born, warning not for the faint hearted you have been warned.
1. piles caused by giving birth, this really annoys me because I have always had an excellent digestion/explusion system.
2. A nipple cut open by his mouth which has still not healed at the moment it’s about one centimetre wide and is raw. Also the doctor told me to keep loads of air on it so I am walking around the house with my tit out and I long to wear a bra, never thought I would say that.
3. Thrush caused by the massive doses of antibiotics I took and I couldn’t use soap and had to wash it off with water, which lets just say wasn’t very effective
4. The latest thing to hit me was a severe bout of diahoerra which latest 7 days, I mean severe, I couldn’t hold anything in and I had cramps so bad I was going to call the ambulance, but then I did a fart and I was sweet. I went to the doctor and she told me to go nil by mouth by 24 hours. Which I though cool I can do that, four hours in I was desperate for food, my milk supply went way down and neither Mac or I was getting enough food which pissed us both off. Today I did a normal poo and I would have danced with joy, had the diahorrea not irritated my piles.
So physically I have been through the ringer, mentally I don’t even know where to start. Needless to say it doesn’t take much to make me cry. and I had an easy pregnancy and then six weeks of drama. Every time I thinks it’s over something else attacks me. I need a long holiday in the Bahamas.
But through it all I have been reminded that I have the most supportive loving husband in the world and a family in New Zealand that really love me and I’m lucky because although I know my family love me sometimes because they are so far away I forget how much but as soon as I got sick the rallied around me and Jamie to support us, my sister left her family to come and look after mine, my dad and stepmother funded her trip and my mother, brother-in-law, dad and step-mother all organised childcare of my nephew. It was an amazing outpouring of love and I am forever grateful because as I said to my sister I would died without her here. So I the moral of the story is you may not always have your health but you always have the people you love oh and also avoid using the NHS at all costs.
Next time an upbeat, funny post I promise I suspect it may be related to my need to get my pre-pregnancy figure back. I have to go now as the monster has woken up and needs some boob action.
Ps to all my friends that are thinking of having babies or are pregnant know that my experience was very rare this hardly ever happens and also even if it did happen to you the good bits of having Mac far outweigh any bad bits.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Mackay live in action
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Also don't expect to see any pictures of me immediately post-birth, i will be doing some serious styling before I let Jamie anywhere near me with a camera. Also there will be none of those pictures people put on facebook with their babies pressed up aganist there naked torsos, they kind of gross me out. Yes I know it is natural and all that but also a tiny bit icky. Plus my boobs are huge so it's entirely possibly that any picture of me the littlest bit naked would have some unintentional nipple on display and no one wants that.
Also am taking a video camera so we can take video of the baby, I might be able to work out how to upload it onto here but it is doubtful.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Thank you
No news
And yes before you post lots of suggestions I have tried every single old wives tale and new age therapy, it's costing me a small fortune, but nothing has changed still no baby. And also everyone says, rest now while you can, sleep now while you can, you won't sleep for the next hundred years! hahahaha!, i feel like saying fuck off I want my baby not extra sleep you morons.
I have now been pregnant for over 10 months! It's a fucken age and i am now so heavy I can't walk or sleep or sit or anything and I am very very frustrated as you can probably tell my the tone of this post.
By the weekend the baby will be here, about fucken time. I feel a bit sorry for the baby because it is in the right position and trying to get out buy my cervix is just not playing ball.
Everyone is like when you have a happy healthy baby you will forget about all the waiting and the discomfort, yeah I am pretty sure I won't, I am pretty sure I will remember being this fat and frustrated FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.
The only upside is that with all my complaining I have realised that I really do have the most supportive nicest husband in the entire world. Throughout all my bitching and complaining he has also been positive and rubbed my back and fetched me water and been lovely. And never once said how he is frustrated of waiting for the baby, which I am sure he is! Plus I am making him sleep in the spare room and he keeps the door open so he can hear me at night in case I make any suspicious noises. I always knew he was a keeper.
So by the weekend pictures of the baby on the blog. On the upside with all the waiting we have decided on our names. One thing off the list.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
What's happening?
Friday, 16 April 2010
Don't tell Jamie
False start
And then as if to rub salt in the wounds the baby kicked me loads to show me who was boss.
Anyway am trying all natural methods this week like curries, raspberry tea and yes even sex not sure how this is going to be achieved maybe with lots of pillows, anyway I am ready to be a Mum and totally ready to stop being pregnant.
Stay tuned xxxx
p.s. doesn't it seem like I have been pregnant for ages? like forever.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Almost there
I have stopped work so am spending lots of time relaxing, actually that is a bit of a lie I have been writing a whole lot of complaint letters and having lunch with friends.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Here's an interesting conversation
'Don't get me an Easter egg'
I said 'Okay, why'
He said 'Because we have got each other lots of presents recently' In reality he bought me a card for Valentines day and a bathrobe for our anniversary, hardly a showering of gifts, not that I am being ungrateful but I'm just saying.
I said 'Okay but still get me some chocolate.'
He said 'No'
I said 'Pardon me?'
He said 'No' and he wasn't even trying to wind me up he was being serious... SERIOUS!
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Big old elephant drea
When I went for my latest mid-wife check and I told Jamie how much I weighed he said ‘Whoa that’s massive,’ Can you believe it? Supportive husband my arse.
And then the other day when I was walking away he said to me ‘You have put on weight on your bum.’ What a sod, I need to do some serious re-husband training.
Below photographic evidence of the massive baby belly and huge arse.
Me in early March, you will notice I am not wearing a bra and I am still posting this picture because the maternity bras I wear at the moment are so hideous they make no difference to the shape of my boobs anyway.
And me last week trying to see my feet and failing, I can’t even remember that last time I saw my fanny.
Last Sunday it was Jamie and I 2nd wedding anniversary and the present is cotton, and we bought each other the same present! We both got each other new cotton bathrobes which is kind of sweet and kind of creepy at the same time.
Hello little Bennett
But on the upside it is all ready to go facing the exit and now I think it is a girl because it is a lazy bugger and doesn’t move all that much expect to tell me if I am in a position that it doesn’t like, it gives me a good kick and doesn’t quit until I move. In fact it just kicked me now because it felt the tiniest bit of pressure from my laptop. It is a stubborn girl, Jamie said like it’s Mum, I would love to disagree but I do have a bit more self-awareness than that.
Weekend mini-break
Anyway we went out to west sussex or Kent or somewhere and had two days r&r before the baby came. We went for a walk which felt like about 10 k’s long and it took us an hour to walk it when we looked on the map it was about half a kilometre. I am a slow moving creature at the moment.
Then we went and had lunch in a cafe where we were the youngest people by about 100 years. And get this Jamie had a chicken roll and chips, I had an egg sandwich and we had a scone, a coffee and a smoothie and it cost us about 20p. Awesome non-london prices.
We had a swim and I had to use a flotation device because my baby was weighing me down and then I had a massage and ate delicious three course meal and fell sleep.
Below are photos.
Jamie outside the local castle which was closed to the public and to us.
Me being a road block and stopping other people from walking down the path.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Middle age is here
Our downstairs neighbour was having a party, a really loud party on a Saturday night. In the olden days, pre-pregnancy I would have thought ‘oh let them have their fun’ But I shut that party down Bennett style.
So I called the council and made an official complaint I said to the guy on the phone ‘The neighbours are playing really loud music, you need to come and stop it and stop it now because I am pregnant and therefore more important than anyone else in the world.’ I got all militant and then I said ‘But it is totally anonymous ,right?’ I did fear some retribution might be coming our way. But they assured me that it was completely anonymous. Although I don’t know why I was scared they were playing Michael Jackson for god’s sake not exactly ganagsa rap.
And then they sent there two nice men out who listened to the music decided that yes it was far too loud and went down and knocked on their door and told them the party was OVER. And then everyone left and I felt mean for about 5 seconds before I drifted into a peaceful sleep.
As an interesting aside we had bean burgers for dinner which is essentially kidney beans ground up with spices, it was a recipe that my sister gave me. What she neglected to tell me was that it gives you the smelliest worst farts you will ever experience. So I was lying in bed all night, awake and stinking up the bedroom. When I farted I would say to Jamie ‘Don’t move, don’t move you’ll just disturb the duvet and release the stench.’ Anyway so when the noise control guys came into the house they had to come into the bedroom to listen to the music because that’s where the noise and coincidentally the smell was most concentrated and they said ‘yeah it’s really noisy’ and exited quick smart because the bedroom was so stinky.
So now I have turned into a stinky old woman who makes complaints about people that are having more fun than her.
Ps the noise control guys had badges like police man, Jamie was very impressed, and it’s the little things that often impress him.
Pps when I told everyone at work they were outraged that i could be so mean, it was like I had called the gestapo on Anne Frank.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
What happened this year? read on my friends.
1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Got made redundant, got pregnant and had acupuncture. What a weird mix.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
well my three new year resoultions were:
A) get pregnant Tick, done
b) learn something new. Tick, done went to a Buddhism course
c) feel better about my body still working on this especially as the pregnancy is changing my body in all kinds of freaky ways but I’m getting there.
Next year my goals are small because I figure my life will change so much that it’s hard to set goals. But I’m going to give it a shot.
1) Learn to French plait my hair
2) Don’t let my grey roots get out of control
3) Go for lots of walk
I’m setting the bar low I know but all easily achievable.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
i don’t think so, i can’t remember baby brain apologies if i have forgotten anyone’s child.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Nope, another year and every one is still hanging in there. Good job guys.
5. What overseas cities/countries did you visit?
New York, felt sick the entire time because of the baby thought I was going to vomit every time I ate, walked, slept and moved. Went back to NZ to see the family, went back to Austria to see the other family and I think that’s it. we were planning a last hurrah summer sailing holiday but the redundancy put the brakes on that one.
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Better hair. Seriously I have no idea what to do with my long thick dreadlock type hair. I’m one step away from chopping it all off. But I have bought new straightners instead. Notice I didn’t say money because I am so rich it’s not funny. (this is a joke but when you don’t earn a wage for a while and still manage to eat having no income scares you less.)
7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
when I found out i was pregnant that was quite exciting and at the same time terrifying also the first scan was awesome, the baby jumping up and down made me smile and I was so nervous, but then it all turned out okay. The second scan good but not awesome.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?.
Getting pregnancy but does that really count, to be honest it wasn’t that difficult for us, although Jamie did complain that we were having sex too much. can you believe it! Doesn’t know how good he has it.
Actually probably getting made redundant and not falling to pieces, at times it was really tough and really lonely but I think I got through it really well. it would have been very easy to be bitter but now I remember only good things about my old job which is the best way to be I think.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Don’t think I failed this year actually, can’t think of one.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Morning sickness which I have renamed all day feeling queasy with headaches all I want to eat is rice cakes sickness and apart from that pregnancy has been pretty easy a swollen foot a few cramps and a bit of fat. I have got off easy.
I had shoulder surgery which was awesome because the hospital was private and they had L’Occatine toiletries in the bathroom (which I stole, I also tried to steal ruber gloves but Jamie wouldn’t let me and at this point I was one handed so needed his help for my criminal exploits)
And as an interesting aside I have had way less cold/flus/ general sickness this year hardly any. I think my old job was making my sick with the general crappiness of it all.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Okay i dibn;t buy it but my husband gave me a mulberry handbag for my 30th, Iw as so excited I had to put it downa dn got the toilet. I love it. And it smells nice.
Also we bought a kick ass vacuum cleaner which I love even though I never use it because we have a cleaner.
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Jamie takes such good care of me I am a very lucky girl, my feet were swollen so for the first time last night in 14 years he gave me a foot rub and I didn’t even have to beg. I am a lucky wife.
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Last week I was reading the newspaper and on one page there was a story about how a father had killed her daughter because she was in love with the wrong type of Muslim and there was a story about a serial rapist and there was a story about a women being sold into the sex trafficking trade. It just made me sad that women are still the victims of such horrific violence.
14. Where did most of your money go?
My paid off our mortgage a lot, we are so glamorous. Try not to be jealous of our lifestyle’s of the rich and famous.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
This ia hard I would like to say abay but it excites me and scares the bejesus out of me at the same time. I really loved it when we painted and did up out flat and it was so nice to live in a lovely space.
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
Sexy bitch by akon because anyone that can work the word disrespectful into a song deserves a Grammy.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Happier, I have a little kicking baby inside me and also I think I am more chilled and a little bit wiser this year. I hope.
b) thinner or fatter?
Fatter but come on I am pregnant.
c) richer or poorer?
About the same I guess. But I like think I am little but better with budgeting after being on the dole for a while.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
I wish i had been drunk and stupid when I wasn’t pregnant. And partied like it was 1999. I know I say this every year but also I want to lie in the sun for about 8 years of my life non-stop to make up for the crappy weather I have endured while living in London.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Stressing, again, Jesus there is a pattern here. Also I feel like I spend my life in front of a computer and the baby bump now makes it hard to get all that close to my desk.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
With friends and my husband and no booze, feel free to feel sorry for me. Also my new years will be sober and my 30th was sober. SADDO.
21. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Nope, maybe with my baby. Although sometimes my baby annoys me because it kicks at odd times but I love it, most of the time.
22. What was your favourite TV program?
Project Runway! Love it love it love it, it is the only thing I watch although now it is finished so i don’t watch anything, although I watched the first episode of glee and loved it. That might be my new favourite breastfeeding programme I think. Also Peep show and The thick of it are so clever I wish I was clever enough to write something that funny. Or just clever enough to get all the jokes.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nup, can’t be bothered.
24. What was the best book you read?
Haven’t read much this year due to me being a lazy bugger, the 19th wife was a quite good plane book,also read a load of Buddhism books which I loved. Any reading sugggetions welcome.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I’m gonna say JLS because there hasn’t been aboy band I can take the piss out of for ages.
26. What did you want and get?
A baby inside my belly.
27. What did you want and not get?
You know what I feel like I have everything I need. I am content. (This is a bit of a lie but sounds good, what I really want to a lovely house and a garden to have a baby and all my family and friends around me and a personal trainer.) But overall I am a lucky sausage.
28. What was your favourite film of this year?
In the Loop, so funny I laughed until I had to go to the toilet, plus I was drunk in the movies when I saw it which made it ten times more funny. See it. Immediately.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was the big 30 and it was sober and I felt a bit sick the entire time and I was in Austria which was fun and then on a ryan air flight which was the complete opposite of fun. But over all happy that I had made it to 30.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Last year I said a new job and now I have one. Yippee. This year I hope for more sunshine in London, come on global warming, get a move on. While I’m on the topic I think they should re-name ‘global warming’ ‘global shit weather’ because the warming aspect is really mis-leading.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
I had to buy a whole heap of new stuff for the baby belly, also my skin is allergic top anything that isn’t natural fibres. So it’s more about what fits than an overall concept. A
32. What kept you sane?
My husband again, man he does a good job.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Still after all these years it’s Johnny Depp and also James Francois making a late run.
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
Poiltics in Britain is quite boring really worldwide I really don’t understand why Americans are against giving everyone free healthcare. Insania.
35. Who did you miss?
Do you need to ask, all my friends and family in NZ. I haven’t had a Christmas at home for six years now and I am bored with it.
36. Who was the best new person you met?
All my new work colleagues are very nice and that’s it, I have small social circle, even smaller now everyone has bloody left London to go home.
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
This is my new mantra. Life is change. The only certainly in life is that it will change, it may change for the better or for the worse, but it will change. Roll with it.
peace out x
2009 a photo essay
Walking in Amsterdam
Our friend gave us free tickets to a concert it was cheesy but awesome, I am smiling so much because I had to drink a lot to enjoy it. We saw Leona Lewis, Katy Perry, Akon and ....
Decroating the xmas tree. And we bought a cheap one so it lost all it's needles in the first three minutes and then i swept on needles over the whole christmas period. I never thought I would say this but next year I'm going fake.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
New Years 2009
I bought a new dress, had my hair blow dried and did my make up and this is the best it gets. And I looked fat. I am twice the size of Jamie, twice the size.
Me after I had seen the pciture of fat me. I am not happy.
Happy 2010 everyone xxxxx
In other news my boobs are looking terrible at the moment, non-underwire and Andrea do not mix. All my life I have had good boobs mostly because I buy supportive bras but now they have gone south and bizarrely spread out. It is not a pretty picture. Tried wearing underwire the other day because my boobs were so pitiful but it hurt to much so I went back to wearing the nylon travesty that is my maternity bra. I would post a picture but it would make you vomit.
Also my belly is huge. It'd weird from behind no baby and from the front a whole lot of baby. When people ask me how pregnant I am and I say about 6 months, their eyes widen and they say 'Is it twins' Four people have asked me this. And when I say no they say 'Are you sure? sometimes they get it wrong.' Even the fireman that came to install the fire alarms last week looked shocked and he is a professional. I think this is going to be a big old baby, nine pounds, minimum.